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This is most likely, the most usefull post on this section. The community "badly" needs a decent, long-lasting, medium-difficult server with a fair farming difficult. Nobody with a piece of brain wants to spend hours n days anymore in front of KO to exp, farm n drop few stuff... Every1 wants the peekay and every1 wants to be the "best". I might sound usual, but from my very deep KO experience i would say there's few basic things to take care of to make the server running smoothly imho:
Economy: give the money a real value, any bug destroying the moradon economy will eventually destroy the server
Bifrost: Bifrost's full of bugs, i dunno whats ur developing up to(pretty sure its a very advanced stage, fixing bf bugs too) but make the bf stuff very rare to pop to let the uniques keep the same value or it will end up unbalancing the pk with every1 wearing bf uniques and\or no uniques at all
Ko-lookalike: If usko have had its incredible success back then, its cuz everything was working fine with an incredible balance even tho all the known horrible bugs wich were ruining the gameplay it-self. I may explain this well, i wont make custom stuff its just anti-ko imho.
Big bosses: Isiloon is too easy now(make it harder someway), every1 knows how to take it down and that means cutting time, so its like more quickie uniques more people quickie peekain, more people feeling quickie beast, more people getting tired of the peekay-game, more people selling their full uniques chars more people quitting. This point has been proven several times by many fails of last years servers.
Chitin Shield: A really particular attention should be given to the CS's drop rate. Cs makes the people feel God-like and makes them "Oh yea i'm complete now, i can sell CS im rich i will quit!1!!!!!111!11 Take it off from lesath and make it very rare from isi n similar.
Farming, exping and questing: Since ko is not a quest based game, keeping the exping-farming couple tied toghether makes it cool. Tho this is not USKO or official and "old-times" have gone badly. But, players still need to do their "quests" and immediate leveling-farming is against the server's health as well as a hard-boring-sleepy-nonsense-endless leveling-farming. I know its really hard almost impossible to make all the people happy but being able to balance the leveling-farming level for the people needs leads to a very succesful server.
Events: I would happily get rid of the boring-stupid-useless events like find a gm or similars, people want drops, people want to fight and moar fights means more log-ins, more players and so on...
Last but not least, KE>KO>ROFD>Other horrible KO's patches i wont bother mention.
Good luck doing it, i red somewhere you guys aint in a rush and the timing makes the "big" difference. Take your time, watch your steps and so on. But im pretty sure you dont need my advises as you guys are way more experienced then me to know that this is not KO-era anymore and making some bucks is very easy, but making it fail is even more easier then that. If you need any kind of help ill gladly toss you my hand.
Regarding the flame rings and so on.. am going to assume you found twostars private patch lol.. or using a version of SOACS for your server files.
Nothing more to say.
Anywho @ IamCoolz we THOUGHT we had fixed it. I contacted twoey about it yesterday but he isn't selling it.
Oh well ^_^
Besides, we would of obviously of said that we purchased it off him if we did get it as we have said already that we've bought stuff from him. I have no shame in admitting lol. It's not like more than 80% of the PSKO hasn't got stuff from him already anyway.
Curious, got a question about CSW for you guys.
Would you guys like to have the CSW tanks and shit? The ones that shoot the fireballs or w/e we can nerf the damage on them. We would also remove the ladder truck since you can bug like a mofo with it.
We also want to spice CSW up a lil and add something to it, any suggestions?
Imho you should get rid of the usual bugging ladder 1th. Than i would add some np's features to the CSW since if a player aint in a big clan and they aint allied to any1 they are not forced to participate and sometimes the CSW can result in 2 big clans boring fight. With some np's monumets, or a blessing. Also it would be nice to add some curious mobs (spawning just during the war) wich will def spice up the CSW fights and will make the castle's conquer def harder.
We will be giving Alpha client links in private PM's in a few weeks to those willing to give us suggestions and those that want to check out the server.