Hello our valuable players,RoniaOnline brand has been with you in the market for 6 years, we are starting to serve you with a new management team and the best quality infrastructure of the market, FLAMESOFT.As a result of our agreement with FLAMESOFT, we meet the EXP PREMIUM needs of our players. In PUS, EXP PREMIUM is listed free of charge with 0 KC.Our goal is to gather all PVP lovers together.We are moving forward BRAND oriented, not MONEY oriented. We trust our BRAND.There has never been such an event in RoniaOnline history, EVEN no PVP has provided 1 month of Premium for free.Our aim in providing this is to increase the reliability of our BRAND and to increase our player potential to the MAXIMUM. As a result of this welcome, our infrastructurewe provide a certain payment, no infrastructure allows such a situation, but we support us in our FLAMESOFT campaign for a certain fee..Official Launch Free Specials List = Exp Premium, Genie , Offline Merchant.When Exp Premium is broken, all its features work as original, EXP Premium does not have any extra gifts. These products are purchased via PUS with 0 kc.