I believe this will shed some light on the current situation, I've encouraged him to post everything in our little talk and I've sent this to our Turkish administration team on his behalf, which they laughed it off, making me believe everything's fine. I'm not going to defend anyone besides Mufu and Delta at this point as they've been working under me both did a very good job and without any kind of proof they shouldn't be judged in this situation.

They believe I work for OSKO which I don't and this whole agenda was to discredit xACS so they can run their own little game with their own servers, seems that's why only way they know how to handle
competition because well they can't do better.

I'm going to do my own investigation inside to see what's happened and I'll make sure to re open the topic once we have more details, however majority of these new accounts were made by one person and with the personal message I got you can paint a picture of what this is about.

Server is still online and will remain until we have players, if you need anything you will find my support there.