¥ÐamnedReaperŽ¥ on Karus side on Cypher in OldSchoolKO is recruiting any English player in need of an ALL English speaking clan! The leaders have been playing KO since MYKO days, we are all very experienced and very skilled!
Our only requirement is that you SPEAK ENGLISH WELL. We are mainly just trying to recruit people right now. If we can recruit enough people we will start getting serious. At the moment we have no clan bank or anything because we
only have 3 members at the moment. Anyways, our names in game are G0TTI, IHealzYoAss, MrFuzzyBagels. You can PM any of us for an add. Just please speak English, we also have a vent if you want, but it's not a requirement.
Hope to recruit some players soon!