We're not really recruiting now. We have plenty of members, just need to organize things a little to fall into a casual pace.
This is a discussion on FinalLegacy in PSKO within the Private Server Recruitment forums, part of the Private Servers category; We're not really recruiting now. We have plenty of members, just need to organize things a little to fall into ...
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We're not really recruiting now. We have plenty of members, just need to organize things a little to fall into a casual pace.
UPDATED RECRUITMENT INFORMATION. Looking for 1-2 Mastered mages and possibly a good priest for both melee and mage parties.
- Team Speak 3
- Must be able to understand and speak English
- Must be active
- Must be able to understand we cannot help everybody but we try our best.
- Must follow the rules, which sadly follow the mood of the leaders
- Must use a certain tag the clan chooses to use.
- Must behave themselves and avoid causing useless drama.
- LVL 70 & Master Open
CURRENT NAME TAG: "King" i.e KingKallop
Priests are not required to use the tag.
Add me to clan Kallo... and gear me up))) /Gimza
Any server in the near future?
Maybe. We did look at a few servers, some of us are testing the betas/upcoming betas. Would not guarantee that all the core members will be back but who knows. Some of us are still looking forward to new servers. I believe only time will tell !
Not speaking on behalf of FinalLegacy in whole here , just myself and a few others.
Update : Some of the FinalLegacy members will test out Ares server from Sheldon Cooper. If it fits our expectations and if we like the server, we will make a clan and recruit. It might or might not be under FinalLegacy, there is still some things to discuss amongs us.
If you are interested in joining us in the beta and going forward please SEND ME a PM to prevent spamming on this topic. I will contact you with the details shortly. There will be a clan post on the server's official forums as soon as all the rules and plans are discussed.
We will be going mages on beta and most likely on official.
We are looking for a very active base of players to have have PK/Farm sessions that will fit everyone's timezones.
Again, for more information send a PM and it will be a pleasure for me to answer you back.
Planning to have a clan Discord and/or Whatsapp if everyone wants to hop on.
tryed to downloard the client and didnt work for some reason AQ
KingNoodles innn this b*tch
I'll keep things short. https://forum.zone-myko.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3425
We'll be playing. Some old members, old crew. FinalLegacy / Cartel, who the fuck knows? New members welcome as long as you can follow orders, speak English and can take feedback (mostly in the form of people shouting at you for not following orders).
- Speak English
- Headset + Mic Preferred
- Be ready to follow orders
- If you don't follow orders, then be prepared to be yelled at (sorry, that's how it goes)
- Don't be selfish. Nobody in the clan cares about gear or money. It's about having fun and being competitive.
- Try and be active, at least log in during the peak PK hours daily if possible.
Commanders: Most likely Me and Dylan.
If you're accepted, then be online in our TS/Discord at least 1 hour before launch. We will organize XP parties and talk about leveling to get level 60 ASAP.
Name Tag: King<NAME> (example: KingKallop, KingDylan etc. Priests not required to use a tag)
Last edited by Kallop; 01-10-2019 at 11:28 AM.
Free bumpity,looking forward to some KO. If you played with us before leave us a private msg btw.