This is a discussion on UnDeStRuCtAbLeZzZzZ for ko4life server, Orc side! within the Private Server Recruitment forums, part of the Private Servers category; Originally Posted by mobAKA
lol, u act as if we wont..
lmao read my mind...
Page: 5
eww look at this nigga jeff lol
GL with the clan u masturbating fock
:O got my old account back , let's get ready to RUMBLE.
Hola !
good luck to all of u guys, beat those so called "oldschoolers" ,)
You fuckin indian fags starting all over again? Jeff with the fatass texan redneck prick and everyone else with their gay attitude? what is it? You guys couldnt go back to usko, scared to get anally raped by some OttomanNEWBORN or some shit? Fuck that, AND FUCK THE LEAFS...
Jeff, fuck u
You can spank me all you like ^^
bitch count me in
i dont count people that ban theyre own cousins.
Your all a bunch of fucking gay snake humpin indians