Well, I think I'm going to reinstall WC3 one of these days, hopefully by the end of the weekend...
And I was wondering...

A ) What server do the majority of you play? (All my old friends are on west...)
B ) Is there a spot in any clan for me?
C ) Is DotA still balanced? I left at like 6.36 I think...so it was only a month or two ago
D ) Anyone interested in starting a clan?

Also...don't worry, I'm not a noob. I do very well, I play at my friends house occasionally, but seeing
how we have a good base of people here, I think I wanna get back into it. The only reason I left is
because I never had anyone to play with, and no good In-Houses. Pub games 24/7 are stupid, I'll
be damned if you finish a game with 6 people left.