
I'm selling LoL ACC, i'm first owner since registration. Account is well experienced.

S1 - 2250 ELO
S2 - 2300 ELO
S3 - Diamond
S4 - Diam 1, dropped from challenger couse of inactivity

There is 9 rune pages for every single class / champ, all champions unlocked (except braum & vel'koz - but u got 16k ip so u can unlock them).

Skins on acc :

Crimson Akali, Silverfang Akali
Longhorn alistar, Unchained Alistar
Almost Prom-King amumu
Bird of prey Anivia
Red Riding Annie
Sherwood Forest Ashe, Amethyst Ashe
Boom Boom Blitzcrank
Apocalyptic Brand
Sheriff Caitlyn,
Siren Cassiopeia,
Red Baron Corki,
Mr Mundoverse, Rageborn Mundo,
Victorious Elise,
Frosted Ezreal,
Bandito Fiddlesticks
Commando Galio,
Minuteman Gangplank, Toy soldier Gangplank
Hillbilly Gragas,
Riot Graves,
Nightblade Irelia,
Victorious Janna,
Victorious Jarvan IV,
The Might Jax, Angler Jax
Phantom Karthus,
Slay Belle Katarina,
Judgment Kayle,
Swamp Master Kennen
Traditional Lee Sin,
Marble Malphite,
Vizier Malzahar,
Totemic Maokai,
Assasin Master Yi,
Cowgirl Missfortune,
Pentakill Mordekaiser,
Galactic Nasus, DreadKnight Nasus,Riot K-9 Nasus,
Haunting Nocturne,
Sasquatch nunu,
Glacial Olaf,
Perseus Pantheon,
Noxus Poppy,
Molten Rammus,
Outback Renekton,
Bilgerat Rumble,
Uncle Ryze,Professor Ryze,
Royal Shaco,
Frozen Shen, Warlord Shen,
Surfer Singed,
Hextech Sion, Lumberjack Sion,
Spectacular Sivir,
Sandscourge Skarner,
Renegade Talon, Crimson Elite Talon,
Cottontail Teemo,
Buccaneer Tristana,
Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate, Muskeeter Twisted Fate,
Blight Crytal Varus,
Leprechaun Veigar,
Count Vladimir,
Big Bad Warwick,
Imperial Xin Zhao,

Few skins are not able to buy anymore, so it's worth a lot :-)

Looking for offers !