level 75 assasin orc 180k np

rogue chitin armor helmet +5 rebirth
rogue chitin armor pauldron rebirth +5<strike></strike> sold ingame
rogue chitin armor pads rebirth+6<strike></strike> sold ingame
rogue chitin armor boots rebirth +5 sold ingame
rogue chitin armor gloves rebirth +5
<strike></strike> sold ingame
rogue chitin armor helmet +7 def dagger 15<strike></strike> sold ingame
rogue chitin armor pauldron rebirth +5 club def 25
rogue full plate pads +5 club def 20
rogue chitin armor boots rebirth +1 spear def 15<strike></strike> sold ingame
rogue chitin armor gloves rebirth +1 sword def 17

shard rebirth +5 ap 101 poison 80<strike></strike> sold ingame
shard rebirth +5 ap 101 poison 80 sold ingame
<strike>rol+0</strike> traded ingame for roc+0
rol+0<sup></sup> sold ingame 395m
priest pendant +1<strike></strike> sold ingame

elf belt +0<strike></strike> sold ingame

dual rogue earing +0

kekuri belt +0
offer away if u want to inquire if im trustable or not il save u the time and post the link Am i Trustable
