CrnaC development started in April 2005.
I play with him almost every day, for more than 1 year.

CrnaC have:
Chitin Helmet +7/12 dex
Chitin Pauldron +7/12 dex
Chitin Pads +7/12 dex
Chitin Boots +7/12 dex
Chitin Gauntlets +7/12 dex
Full Plate (def dagger) +25
Iron Bow +6
Dual mirage daggers +7/70
Kekury ring +0
Kekury ring +2 (maded by Joop)
rest Juvelry ~ +10 dex
and plenty of other high class items.

CrnaC have atack power ~1350, and ~1200 hp.
CrnaC have ~10 000 national points (mostly maded like asin).

CrnaC was member of clans:
- Hajduci for more than 8 months,
- Silence for more than 4 months.

CrnaC play like any other player in this game. Making money by himself, and buying cheap things on market, and reselling it for some profit.

Before ~1 month, Customer Support decide to block him.
They say: duping.
They say: account is blocked for permanently.
They don't say anything more.
CrnaC knows that is not truth, and all his friends in game knows that is not truth. There is no other way, we MUST believe Customer Support.

Right in time when CrnaC became that much stronger that he can tank almost every monster boss in game...he must retire.

CrnaC saw plenty of bad things in game. For this 1 year, there was too many bugs, servers failures, war glitches, rollback's, deleted items (awesome money loss), cheaters, hackers, dupers, babashopers, macroers, lurers...

CrnaC saw plenty of good things in game. For this 1 year, he make plenty of contacts and friendships with people from different side's of world.
CrnaC playing, leveling, laugh, cry, celebrate, and regret with plenty of friends.
CrnaC wanna say last "hello" to: Baba_Guya (aka famous upgrader, aka crazy and nasty barbarian), Sum4din4c, all Vizantia clan (Draaagaan, Vihor_Warrior, Brne, Nessgara, Artemis...), Helm (best student ), Temptation (Branka) and TheSin (I still feel pain for that money I give You for that two mirages +7/70 :P ), GedKalessin (human or orc...u r crazyest barbarian ), Opprimer (one of the best clan lider on Dies server) and all members of Resurrection clan (once ally - always ally (with Silence, ofc)), C4pt4in (best bp), Nerevarine (r u still legend? ), EwylanaL (there is no good warrior with out good priest), Zamerith, EagleGRS, Eths, Clixs, Tailan, Jokinghydra, Halflife, Wagyar (for some important tips and nice partys), ....and of course, all Chech players that I know (and they know me), atm they are part of Chechoslovakian_legion (in first row, my great friend Ewander_CZ (You are great guy! Thx for every smiley that I type (even this one ), then Terorrblade (i'm sorry cause of short friendship ), Parkinson_SF (aka Parki_CZ), Rebaborka...), and of course, many others...hey - thanks! <3

CrnaC is signing off (at least, no more "Succesfully connected to game, but not on server (error 255)" for him).
Thank You for everything.
And Hey...don't be desperate...GAMER'S FIRST!