I'm done with olympia

After logging in this morning and seeing 10+ merchants selling bifrost items and seeing 20+ people wearing bifrost items +6 and higher (quite a few +7 reversed) I've decided its time to quit olympia as theres obviously been a huge duping craze with bifrost fragments seeing as how 1 week ago there were nearly 0 bifrost items on the server and now everyone has bifrost items +6.

Not only does K2 not punish retards who quest bug abused to get 75+ (I can't count how many times retarded random no name mages and no name warriors have used fire armor or blooding on me in the past 2 weeks) But apparently they have no desire to fix the sealed item duping method either.

So to make a long story short i've had it with this retarded shit. Bye -_-

Maybe i'll play logos if they fix shit... maybe not.