im looking to trade my lvl 60 rogue(currently naked no items or money) for a lvl 59(has to be very close to lvl 60) or lvl 60 priest.

the priest account can be naked have no items and no money as my rogue account is naked has no items and money. must be on human side and play on olympia. my rogue is human side and plays on olympia.

i will provide a screenshot of the rogue and i would like to see a screen shot of the priest..

i will be changing the pass to the account to a temp pass and be putting it on a newly created email account..
if the deal is agreed on you will receive the email account and security questions and answers.

same goes for the priest account. newly created email/temp pass/and all the security questions and answers.

my msn messenger name is [email protected] or you can pm me here.

due to the fact i dont know anybody on here and nobody probably knows me. my rogue account will have nothing of value on it. so dont think u can pm me asking to trade thinking ull get to scam me. futher details will be provided if u decide to trade.