made my decision quiting ko baba soo only USD PLEASE (oh wait shouldnt say that, IGC i mean )

Btw selling at GB price which is about 4.5 to 5usd atm so dont offer lower than the acctual gb price of the iteam thanks.

Level 63 Female Orc Priest 75.5k NPS 9days of Gold premium left with 1.8k Knight Cash (naked)
Level 56 Warrior orc (naked - btw its on the account)

Lycaon hammer +6 - SOLD

Durandle +6/60flame

FP +8/15HP Pads

FP +8/15HP Boots

FP +8/15HP Gloves

FP Globlin Pauldron/Pads

FP +6/25 DD Helmet

FP +5/20 Spear Def Helmet - 1 SOLD

+5/20 Spear Defense Helmet (silver one)

FP +5/20 Spear Def Boots

FP +5/15 Sword Def Boots- SOLD

FP +6/25 Axe Def Boots

FP +6/25 Axe Gloves <span style=\'color:red\'>- SOLD

FP +5/20 Club Pauldron

+6/48 Spear Def Shield

+6/48 Arrow Def Shield

+4/32 DD Shield

+4/32 Sword/Club/axe def shield

+8/15STR cap (BP) x2

+8/15STR pauldron (BP)

+8/15STR Gloves (BP)

Judgment scroll

annnddddd thats all m8s later putos!