Offers.. will take usd via paypal, prefer incame coin or trade for rogue items

update.. huge list


Chitin bow +7 (SOLD)
Iron bow +8/80 (regular)(SOLD)
Iron bow +1/70 (rebirthed)(SOLD)
Scorpion bow +0 (2x)(SOLD 1)
Enion bow +5(SOLD)


Shard +8/80 (SOLD)
Shard +1/70(2x) (SOLD)
Mirage +1/70(2x) (SOLD)


Full chitin set +8/15 (SOLD)
Full chitin set +7/12 (cept helm) (SOLD)
Chitin shell pauldron +7/12 (SOLD)
Chitin shell helmet +6/10 (SOLD)


RoC(2x) (SOLD)
RoL +1 (SOLD)
Kekuri ring +2 (2x)(SOLD)
Warrior earring
Dex +10 earring (4x)(SOLD)
Dex +9 earring
dex +10 ring (2x)(SOLD)
dex +9 pendant

Thats about it. alot earned from almost the very beginning of diez. Will be willing to wait until after the next dupe wipe before selling (i don't know how long that will be)

quitting KO. Will sell for in game coin or USD, seperates are ok. (going to sell igc for usd regardless)

I retract my trading for rogue item statement, im quitting, this game is bad now.