Mirrage Dagger +11/90 - $315
Rogue Chitin Pauldron +11/19 dex - $200
Rogue Chitin Pads +11/19 dex - $200
Lugias +8 - $125
Giga 1h LR +8 - $35
Rogue FP boots - $50
Rogue FP gauntlets - $50
WP +2 - $80
ROL +1 - $90
Howling rooster +0 - $50
Howling rooster +0 - $50
Rogue Chitin weapon defence set (minus gaunts) - $35
Rogue UNDY set +8 - $30
Warrior UNDY set +8 - $30
Scorpion Scythe 7 - $45
Elf Belt +1 - $45

25GBs - $4 each

Moneybookers or paypal
If your a trusty then normal paypal trade. If i dont know u then u will have to wait for money to clear to my bank account (3days) before u receive item.
