all chars on the same accaunt

Lvl 70 warrior called Eggy 255K np personal weapon quest not done yet
Lvl 57 Bp calles moneypenny with 6K np
Lvl 3 rogue :P
2670 KC atm and like 20 scrolls of each
and 180 mil
char naked b/o 400$ SOLD

Giga 2h light b/o 100$SOLD

Exc II +7/70 b/o 100$gýfted away because nobody wanted it

Ring of Courage b/0 110$SOLD
Ring of Courage b/o 100$ c/o 85$
Iron neckless b/o 275$ SOLD
Iron Belt b/o 175$gýfted away

Shell paldron +7/12 b/o 30$SOLD
Shell pads +7/12 b/o 40$SOLD
Shell boots +7/12 b/o 40$ SOLD
Shell gauntles +7/12 b/o 40$SOLD
Shell helmet +7/12 b/o 40$SOLD
or as a set b/o 125SOLD

def armors for warrior as a set b/o 50$
plate 25 dd helm b/o 40$SOLD
fp 20 spear def helm b/o 20$
fp 20 spear def gauntles b/o 20$
fp 20 spear def boots b/o 20$
fp 15 axe def paldron b/o 10$
chitin 15 sword def helmet b/o 20$
plate 15 sword def boots b/o 10$
Kite schield +5/32 dd 40$
Kite schield +6 48 spear def 10$
Kite schield 32 club axe and sowrd def 10$

priest fp 25 dd b/o 10$SOLD

or the whole package for only 275$

all selling for USD trough paypal
if you are from europe you can offer €€ :P
selling only to paypal verified uses else the payment is declined and the name schould be virtual item