Selling " FOR USD" or Trade for Ares Items
IB+0 (C/O 110$)
2xMD+5(RE) (C/O 40$)
2xShard +5 (RE) (C/O 100$ Each)
EME+1(C/O 110$)
RE+1 (C/O 100$)
WP+1 (C/O 80$)
RoL +0 (C/O 80$)
Shell Set rogue +5/15 (RE)/(C/O 70$ Each Piece)

Chitin Set Rogue +5/15 (RE) (C/O 30$ Each Piece)
FP+6 25 DD ( rogue ) (C/O 100$)
and coins... >.<!

i prefer trade this for Ares Item&#39;s, or USD via WU/ PAYPAL
if u want , i can use "Trade Mediator Request" from any Moderator of Ko4life.
MSN : [email protected]
...many ppl told me " Show me items" i put images here!