Full chitin +8/15
Raptor +8/80
2h gig +8 Light
(No jewelary)
dd shield, spear shield,
Full plate 20 spear def boots gaunts and helm
Dagger def 25 full plate helm
Chit pads 15 axe def, plate boots and gaunts 25 axe def
3b igc
Lvl 66.07 orc warrior 410k np

Sold as a set

This game has lost 90% of the interest to me.
It kinda sucks when people you consider friends just fuck you over and over again.

The only thing that kept me playing befor were was my clan and friends
Now that my clan is bearly active, and most my friends quit i dont see much more reason for me to stay.

I will continue to play tempest till I get a decent offer.

Free bumps pls