
ms +5
rogue chitin +7 pauld
mirages +1
glaves +1
warr chitin+4/15 sword gaunts
warr fp spear +5/20 boots
warr fp spear +5/20 helmet
+8 dex belt
shaula tail

potentially selling (currently on hold, but taking offers):

lycaon hammer +6 (17 str 80 mp abs 45 resists to fire/ice/light)
sse +0 (20 def 10 hp)
bronze +1 (stats: 12 def 12 hp)
priest +8/15hp boots,gaunts,pads
priest fp gob pads/pauld

potentially trading (any trade must include IN)

cs +7

will take any offers on any items for consideration. only exception is cs: anything without an IN will be ignored. also, all items are 100% legit dropped to me or bought from legit non-moradon sources.