30 speed potions(1pack)-15,000,000

30 speed potions(1pack)-15,000,000

30 speed potions(1pack)-15,000,000

1 frament of Rage- 35,000,000< SOLD

1 Fragment of Sloth - 115,000,000

1 chition shell gauntlet(+1)(warrior masters)- 25,000,000 < SOLD

+7 Rebirthed priest bone crasher(+1R) attck-92/70 light- 15mil

priest impact +1 2,300,000

25 tyon meats - 150,000 each(buy all 25 ill make a discount)

+1 priest chition armor pads with ax defence(5) +1 upgradeable- 2m

fang of bakirra - 11m

mirrage dagger+4 with elemental- 20m

and ROM - pm with offers

im on d1 atm pm freeze13 with what you want to buy and where your at for trade(ill be unable to trade you the items during bifrost hours) tyy