I have 3 days left till The big YouTube gathering.☺☺ "bellow. "

February, 17 2007 at Pier 39 - YouTube Gathering / Video Scavenger Hunt
The entrance of the pier, San Francisco, California 94104

I need to get there and need about 200USD for the ride there and back...

Highest offer on the mage, will have him... and I get my trip there!!!!! woot!

* 72.15%
* 221k nps.
* over 2,000,000,000 in bank, and Many silver bars...ETC.
* Full complete +7/12 hp.
* Elixir +7, +2 re birthed. 58 damage.
* Crystal 25 DD helm.
* All +9 hp/and mp jewels.
* 280 night cash.
* crimson robe +7/ 20 club
* crimson gloves +7/ 18 sword defance.
* All skill scrolls.
* Many 1500hp, 300 ac, speed pots.
* And many, many other things.

Let me know asap.... I need to be at the gathering!
