This is how it goes befor i had premium....Never could get in the servers when i wanted to.Unique Drops-none xp-crappy for ever to lvl -.- Running 1 full day of bifrost-xped 16times via mob 0 rezzez.80% xp lost..delvld.*No ones got anything to complain about when they get xped in bifrost 1 at my lvl or within few lvls of me.BTW that was a total of 80m xp lost. And Since i have had premium. 24/7 server access uniques ive seen in party drops-bronze earing(tk)bronze earing(boss event)ring of life (boss event) ring of magic(boss event).Running bifrost 2 times-4 rage frags total 2 sold 1 shell boots rouge 1 LUGIAS. also the xp i lost ive gotten about half of it back so far

So in the first three days ive had this premium.It has payed for it 1000x over