ok long story short, wow market section is usless to find KO players lol. so im looking for an account with a lvl 69(can be 65-69) geared. what im trading for it is WoW accounts, had post in wow market section for long time got nowhere, figured would try here in case anywone's interest peaked

i have 1 wow account with lvl 80 undead mage(geared with 1.5k gold)

i have another account with 2 lvl 80's, night elf hunter, night elf rogue

pm me if you have any kind of interest and i can give you armory link, let you know gear and anything else you want to know about the accounts

might be a stab in the dark but figured it was at least worth a shot.

also i am the owner of these accounts and have all their info xD

kinda messy rushed, but anyone questions just pm me, more than happy to help you wade through my randomness