I trade my account on JpKo on the 2nd server with lvl 55mage with items, lvl 58rogue naked, lvl 57priest naked for Rogue items on Cypher

Stuff mage :

* dual Earring +9hp
* Blue Dragon Necklace +1
* Belt +9hp
* dual Imir ring +1
* Full set Black chtiin
* Full set Red chitin
* Valkiry Helmet 20ac
* Valkiry Pauldron 200hp

Inn items :

* Some Chitin Shell +1
* Kekuri ring +2
* 28 scrolls 300ac
* 28 scrolls Speed Potion
* 140m
* Hp et Mp pots
* Quest items

I havent do all quest on the mage. Offer me :P