Trading chitin shield +0 for chitin shield higher + !!
buyout = chitin shield +7
offer pls <_<
This is a discussion on T> chitin shield +0 within the Diez forums, part of the Market Place category; Trading chitin shield +0 for chitin shield higher + !!
buyout = chitin shield +7
offer pls <_<...
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Trading chitin shield +0 for chitin shield higher + !!
buyout = chitin shield +7
offer pls <_<
i have a chitin shield -1 ?? :wub:
Originally posted by nesma
Trading chitin shield +0 for chitin shield higher + !!
buyout = chitin shield +7
offer pls <_<
cs+8 :wub:
trade for rouge shell boots 7/12 + DV+7 and Elf belt
note: every trade must include chitin shield
bump for fag who listens to the radio all day
give me cs+0 and add coins (like 1b) and i give u cs+3 10 minutes later ok?Originally posted by nesma
note: every trade must include chitin shield
bump for gay who switched to orcs <_<
cs +0 and 1 coin k
CS+0 is worth substancially more than a CS+3.
Stop all being newbies and offer the man a +6/7
Maybe to rogue but why downtrade to a cs+0 when u have a +6/7?
mages too ^_^
maybe you sold your priest and bought a rogue/mage.