Need green/Blue sin items on US WOW Kelfasad 64 priest is almost empty except for paper gear +8/15 health and mirage sword+8

I also need resistance gear for mc and cg...

On eve online:

Seeking T2 BS OCP gear...Specifcially T2 1400mm cannons...Im flying a tempest so I also need T2 OD injectors...Will NOT MAKE TRIPS TO 0.4 SEC ZONES UNLESS U GIVE INSURANCE. IF u try to gank me you will be Shot and podded on sight. Dont try to run because my Corporation has operatives in every level security space INCLUDING 0.0 SPACE. I will fucking gank you and your corporation. We have the FUNDS FOR AN ALL OUT WAR VS UR NOOB CORPS so dont try any funny shit...yea thats right...Well delcare war formally so concord police cant save ur sorry asses even in high security space.

Also taking GOOD T2 Raider like Ishkurs/ishmirs...Will also TAKE ISK. 1 BIL ISK BUYOUT OR t1 BS BPO!

Note to you eve scammer: I never travel alone...even tho it make look it...youll be in deep shit if u try to scam me. We got Covert agents EVERYWHERE so just try and scam me. We are one of the most powerful Corporations in the game...GOOD LUCK SCAMMERS!

To the legits: Please feel free to eve mail me name: Shadowhax