hi, i've got a question about several value's of Uniwue Jewelery.
I would like to know each of the following item's value in Gold bars.

Opal earing +0
Platinum Earing +0
Warrior Earing +0
Belt of strength +0
Iron Belt +0
Diamond Ring +0
Ring of Courage +0
Lupus Pendant +2
Warrior Pendant +0
Iron Necklace +0
Opal earing +0
Platinum earing +0
Warrior earing +0

Sorry for the big list. but im not really aware of the prices going on right now, and especially on the unique jewelery.
I need to know this because this is my list of items that i might wanna buy soon.

I hope some of u can tell me at least some, or maybe all of them
Thx allot