Again if my C/O not enough for you and you wanna a bit more , we can talk and see what can i do.
Buying :
Rogue Chitin set +8 - 80-100$
2x EME +1 - If you have 1 ill pay 45-50$ each
EB+2 - 80-100$ ( i dunno the price , just throw something xD )
WP+2 - 90-100$
Shard +9 non-rebirth - 350$
Shard +11/90 - 340$
Sherion +8 - 150$
Sherion +6 rebirth and above 180$ + ( depends what + you got )
2x ROL+1 - 80$ each
Rogue Fp DD 25 - 60$
Mirrage Dagger +9 non rebirth - 250$
Mirrage Dagger +11/90 - 240$
Again ill have my money at 1 to 5 at April and ill be abale to pay VIA WU ONLY , so if you wanna hold your item/s for me , ill buy them.
contact me here / pm .