Request from CaptTrippsDLW

The GM of Pathos, CaptTrippsDLW, did an event where the first 5 flashes gets a trip to Felkanor.
The winners : Symbol, Gorgeous, SeeStar, Ditto, LessThenThree

Capt. tped all of us to the Felkanor floor and killed all the monsters (Gaurdians and Servants) OR SO HE SAYS :

BUTTTT the monsters respawned in like 20 seconds... and xped all of us 5-10 times and we got rezzed ( FREE W/O STONES ^_^ )

Then he says :

Then he tps us to the tp floor where those npc's are and gives us 3 awards only 1 i can say(NOTICE) :

Then Gorgeous thinks of a brilliant idea not even the gm thought of... TRANSFORMATION SCROLLS :

So we try to see this dragon once more and.... SUCESSS :

The END..

PS : He told us this current Felankor has Raptor,Shard,a GB, SB, and ring of Felankor
Also it gives 3.4M xp and it has 4M HP
He says stats on ROF : 8 str 8 hp 8 dex 50 def resistances, but he wasnt sure
Also he was just R'ing it and brought it to | | this much hp he was hitting it for 30k and the regain was beating him :P