Well iv wasted about 6months of my life playin this game,
made a bunch of freinds, had a little bit of fun but....

S> Play lvl 71 preist
20% or so, my Np is shit
Because iv been tryin to get 72, but due to certain problems, startd to play in dcz, realized how much more free time i get
and am gonna stick to dcz, and down my Ko time, and up my RL time
30days prem, 1.2k KC
Also has lvl 55 sin and 47 preist

items im selling with the acc:
Bronze Earring
FP +8/15HP set (helm got wiped)
DOL +7 (might not sell, unless offer is good)
Lycoan Hammer +7
Forgot ROC

I am open to WU,
or IGC / Rogue Items/uniques
Offers plx