ok I have found someone who can Buy me a KESN code or Scroll for cypher ring. :P I have not got it yet because I dont want to spend the money until I find a serious buyer, dont want to loose $55 and no one ends up wanting it.
So im selling my warrior to buy a lvl80 manes warrior. If I cannot find a lvl80 Warrior then I quit.

--SELL-- Paypal(trustable people only)/WU trustable people only
LVL 77 33.90% Warrior PERSONAL SHIELD+5. 51k NPS only (lost 120k from quitting clan after donating :angry: )
70/75 Skills Unlocked
NAKED with random stuff in INN
Pls Name Change

LVL 80 MANES Warrior NAKED, dont care about NPS...Would like PERSONAL SHIELD, if not then kinda dont matter.
would be nice if 75/80 Skills unlocked. if LVL80 and those skills not unlocked...then...LOL but I still want it.l

msn is [email protected]
You can msg me even if im offline, I will probly get your msg when I log in.
or PM ME here
