Priest 70 lvl, 50%

Priest Chitin Helmet Rebirth +1/15 dd
Priest Chitin Pautrol Rebirth +1 anti club
Priest Chitin Pads Rebirth +1 anti axe
Priest Chitin Gaunlets Rebith +1 anti sword
Priest Chitin Boots Rebith +3 anti spear

Complete shell Helmet,Pautrol,Pads,Gaunlets,Boots +1REbith/12 hp

Lobo Hammer +6
Beast Sword +5
Dol +6
Scorpion Shield +5
Personal Shield +4
Dual ROL
Secret Silver Earign def 20 healt bonus 10. White silver earing def 20 heathtl bones 5 int 5

Gold Premium 20 days
Both Valkyerie sets (50 df and +6%xp)

***Im orginal user of account, nobody beside me knew even ID of account, every premium and KC was purchased from mine Credit card/Click&Buy account, can provide required informations when/if needed to make your account infos changed***

I already sell 1 acount before in Ares server Mage lvl 71 90% name IkhaosI and a allready sell items and gbs in Ares too. You can ask your friends in ares . You can trust me.