Yep, the priest is named Noshit, is human, 70k np.
Its currently 60 Full heal/ 45 duff FP BUILD.
Jewerlly -
Quest earings
HP 9 pendant
Quest rings
Quest belt.
Armor -
+7 fp helmet
+7 chitin gloves
+8 fp pauldron and boots
+7 fp pads.
Shields and weps -
The priest mace with health
A +5 SD and AD large kite shield.

Priests stats are like 3k hp and 500-600ac unbuffed.
I would really LOVE an orc warrior/rogue, but maybe we could come to some arrangement on human.
I would like them to be 62+, if there lower, better gear will be needed. trading geared for geared.
Pm me on forums, or letter NoShit , Thx.