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Abbys in AYASOFIA ???

This is a discussion on Abbys in AYASOFIA ??? within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; wow, with a melodrama like this every time someone goes to ayasfoya, hell i think we all shud go ther ...
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  1. #31
    SuperRajiv The Spasian ResserGD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    London, United Kingdom


    wow, with a melodrama like this every time someone goes to ayasfoya, hell i think we all shud go ther :rollseyes:

  2. #32


    Even though I hate to say it, Abyss does have a point. Many people who have scammed and who have questionable items are rarely questioned here because everyone wants to be their e-friend. I'm seeing it time and time again, and I can't not say anything.

    A certain someone attempts to buy an illegal item, and admits it. Yet, I don't see anything but patts on his back when he quits.

    At the same time, to some extent, we are seeing it happen here as well. No matter what you say, playing with people known to have highly illegal items and bug abuse is not something that can be respectable. But no one ever wants to cast the stone on someone that's popular.
    Originally posted by Tez/Aja
    i have come to a point in KO where i either need to just not give a fuck other then what the people in my clan do.
    Unlike Abyss, you do not have a point. You're suppose to be a leader. Drama comes with the job. I know that all too well. But the difference is, when I couldn't handle it, I quit my position.

  3. #33


    Originally posted by cricri
    no deberias estar en ayasofia ... conociendo su historia solo cagas tu reputacion, al final es tu decision, pero d alli no kiero leer esos fukin peruanos xD como ahora todos lo hacen con los turkitos. ah ... y tengan cuidado con redbull y esa gente, q ya es recontra conocida.
    You shouldnt be in Ayasofia... knowing their history ur only going to fuck ur reputation, but its ur decision, but i dont want to read those fu**ing peruvians xD like all people do now with the turks... ohh, and be carefull with redbull and with those people, they are known already.

    Spanish FTW ^^

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