Before for who dont know me im italian (maybe the only one in ko4life) so sry for my bad english is hard for me explain to you..
Im a new assasin player, i started time ago on manes where i have a lvl 65 rouge so as a noob i like watch rouge's video coz they teach me a lot my first teacher is ofc 0000000 the best for me. Some week ago there was a post from UnDeF3aTeD about his video. I saw it much times for try to get his secret he have very good minor combo... Well guys watch his video watch last seconds when he is vs Die4Honor, he keep do combo on Die4Honor without minor coz Die4honor dont attack he more well watch his attack window (where u can see damage) he keep do hard combo, he cancel the skill time without press R. U know that when u press R on a target game say beginning or stop attack so how can he do fast combo without use R for cancel the skill time? ok there are some kind of combo i can do S-R or W-R or R-R well but i always need press R why he not?
If u see the others vs in his video u will never see in attack window beginning or stop attack (only when he start).
So i think he use some kind of cheat for spam rr like hell but i dunno.
See then others video like 0000000 part 1 and 2 he press R and u can see this in attack window.
This only a my opinion sry if im wrong...


Thx guys