Hi Felix,I would have been polite if you asked one of us if we were happy for you to advertise you web site on here.[/b]
sorry about that, I hope you don't mind. Didn't mean to offend anyone by posting about my site on here, pls close topic if you think it's inapproriate. thanks
I wonder how you know which races is every guy ;o[/b]
I took the kill logs from the top 20 users and set the nation of all the people that have been killed by that user to the opposite nation.
For example, ZebinYa appears to be the top killer so far with 500+ kills. Since he is human nation,
everybody that he has killed I set to Karus nation. Of course this doesn't work if he does a nation transfer but I haven't ran into that issue yet and I think it can easily be fixed if it does occur.