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Beatenubad has Retired

This is a discussion on Beatenubad has Retired within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; So Beatenubad is officially retired from the game..............wanted to say Thx to all the old hommies on Bera and Pathos ...
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  1. #31


    So Beatenubad is officially retired from the game..............wanted to say Thx to all the old hommies on Bera and Pathos I am still going to be in game but Beat has been put into the old warriors home to take it easy. Just a couple of words on a serious note, I get alot of haters beacuse of the way I was able to manipulate the system, I do not understand why half the people hate the other half love the few people who have managed to take a bad situation and turn it into a postive by standing up for themselves and doing something about a problem. Everyone on this forum likes to bitch at the way K2 does this or does that, so instead of bitching about it go do something about it, I decided after I was hacked in May 2006 to do something about it and succeeded, was able to get things form K2 and fix my account, so if you have a problem with k2 dont cry on the forums go fix it do it yourself, if you are smart about how things operate in the real world you can fix any problem so that you can enjoy the game and not have to deal with the everyday bullshit that this company throws out.

    Anyhow not here to lecture its just life it is who you know, rules are only suggestions in Knight Online.

    Peace to all the brothers and sisters out there great meeting all of you and as xdome said the freak has left Moradon[/b]

    Out with the secret then! how did you fix it alot of us would like to know since i dont know how to get through their thick hides . good luck with your future endeavors

  2. #32


    good luk irl


  3. #33


    Out with the secret then! how did you fix it alot of us would like to know since i dont know how to get through their thick hides . good luck with your future endeavors [/b]
    Just use Google thats what I did.

  4. #34
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Cya m8,was fun playing with ya on bera ^^

    // WhiteWidow / NovaSwe

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