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A big thanks to the idiot that posted the SQ link

This is a discussion on A big thanks to the idiot that posted the SQ link within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Originally posted by Private how did i post exactly how to do it i posted that ppl need to change ...
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  1. #31


    Originally posted by Private
    how did i post exactly how to do it i posted that ppl need to change there passes if they share whether or not u think u can trust someone body *

    i never posted a link all i posted is that i confirmed its working its easy to find and its safe to change ur password so ppl wouldn't think the website is hacked like always .

    the link was fixed in hours not a day and unfortanetly paddy u didn't need to know the user and pass if u knew account id it was enough although wat was posted at the turkish forum was just the link part of it. Also i dont even know if im the one who mentioned its on turkish forum that was all in the others guys post which yeah was needed to be deleted which is the reason i fucking made my post in first place .

    he's the one who said there is a link (i dont know if i even mentioned a link at all then again it was deleted so im not sure wat was in it) he's the one who said its on a turkish forum . Hope off the nuts cama u act like i post every method i come into .

    i've had a shit load of stuff fixed through ppl who are here that talk to k2 but i've never posted nething how to do it that would harm other ppl or server other then tower bug which will never be fixed and everyone flamed in that topic neways . also paddy says if someone is on ur char u can't trust ... alot of ppls chars are naked and they let freinds who have there own items play cuz they dont play ko nemore ever think of that ?
    Is there a need that you must post every bugs/holes in ko and ko website????

    Sometime less is more

  2. #32
    Senior Member PADDY's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Originally posted by FatM4n

    Sometime less is more
    never thought i'd hear you say that :lol: now that is the true meaning of ironny

    as for private as i say, the only people that lost items are those that lost them to friends or trusted people so its a real shame.

  3. #33


    Originally posted by PADDY+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PADDY)</div>

    Sometime less is more
    never thought i'd hear you say that :lol: now that is the true meaning of ironny

    as for private as i say, the only people that lost items are those that lost them to friends or trusted people so its a real shame.[/b]

    I have my secrets
    So all 1 postcounter you are my heros :wub:
    Happines>everything else

  4. #34
    Da Mod Father Senior Member Felix's Avatar
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    The problem now is someone who he trusted is now trying to control his account. Because of the exploit was shown someones decided his items were not enough and infact they were going to grab the whole account.

    When I find out who taken the pis son BGA's account they are going to find a +11 Boot up there arse

  5. #35


    I go look for a +11 gauntlet just for you

    Maybe you alreadu did this , but look throu who has/had info of the account and ask them out

  6. #36


    Originally posted by Private
    how did i post exactly how to do it i posted that ppl need to change there passes if they share whether or not u think u can trust someone body *

    i never posted a link all i posted is that i confirmed its working its easy to find and its safe to change ur password so ppl wouldn't think the website is hacked like always .

    the link was fixed in hours not a day and unfortanetly paddy u didn't need to know the user and pass if u knew account id it was enough although wat was posted at the turkish forum was just the link part of it. Also i dont even know if im the one who mentioned its on turkish forum that was all in the others guys post which yeah was needed to be deleted which is the reason i fucking made my post in first place .

    he's the one who said there is a link (i dont know if i even mentioned a link at all then again it was deleted so im not sure wat was in it) he's the one who said its on a turkish forum . Hope off the nuts cama u act like i post every method i come into .

    i've had a shit load of stuff fixed through ppl who are here that talk to k2 but i've never posted nething how to do it that would harm other ppl or server other then tower bug which will never be fixed and everyone flamed in that topic neways . also paddy says if someone is on ur char u can't trust ... alot of ppls chars are naked and they let freinds who have there own items play cuz they dont play ko nemore ever think of that ?
    one of the biggest turkish ko forum is
    and yesterday i saw that forum mod deleted 3 topics about SQ n wrote this: this may cause hacking again. dont write link here...and its forbidden to write koxp-dupe methods there.
    btw there are lots of hacking forums about ko too in turkish

  7. #37


    i posted this sq bug first time but i never share the link with any1
    tried to help ppls who share accounts

    i write take care guys no more and 1hours later paddy delete post

    Sorry to heard it

  8. #38
    Senior Member
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    Orlando, FL


    Originally posted by tolgahan

    btw there are lots of hacking forums about ko too in turkish
    no shit, really?

  9. #39


    Originally posted by ballzy+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ballzy)</div>

    btw there are lots of hacking forums about ko too in turkish
    no shit, really?[/b]

  10. #40
    Senior Member
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    no wai!!!

  11. #41
    Senior Member
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    Orlando, FL


    Seriously, i am shocked. Who would ever think the fine citizens of Turkey could ever want to cheat/hack/dupe in our beloved game.

    /marlon brando "The horror. The horror."

  12. #42


    Originally posted by ballzy+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ballzy)</div>
    Not really a fitting end to such a great char. *

    Ballzy get ur gay archer and come xp with me baba *:wub:
    Never see you or anyone for that matter online. Diez is like a ghost town when I get on.[/b]
    Ballzy! I never see you on diez and I've been on alot! Well, hopefully I'll catch you on later. Peace.

  13. #43
    Senior Member Private's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Originally posted by FatM4n

    Is there a need that you must post every bugs/holes in ko and ko website????

    Sometime less is more
    did u even fucking read wat i mother fucking wrote NEVER POSTED THE BUG nor did i post the link first person who post is on this topic atm and only reason i made topic title didn't really extend to ppl to change there pass so i made topic said change ur password if u share ur charecter website is not hacked it will be safe to change ur bug cuz there is way of ppl changing secret question (again dont kno wat exactly i said in post but never gave link for bug or explained it only mention website isn't hacked so no one would be scared to change password LIKE ALWAYS ppl worry changing password isn't safe)

    fuck u my topic shouldn't of been deleted in first place then paddy made topic to warn ppl if u share account with someone u might not trust change ur password except one problem his topic title said nothing to make ppl to read topic that share chars

  14. #44



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