copy sig, amount is simple
This is a discussion on Boycott K2 with sig within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; copy sig, amount is simple...
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copy sig, amount is simple
and how would this boycot effect k2?
gms or ko admins dont come here so how the hell this will boycott them. -_-
gotta love the retards in this world :wub:
to show them, that not only individuals are disappointed of the current situation. not another way to try change something
but, bro, k2 doesnt give a shit what some1 says at a unofficial forum
official is like other support unavailable.K2 ftw
just make nooby accounts and send them suport ticket saying SUCK MY DICK U FUCKING MONEY HOGS>>>FUCK PREM WORLD!!!!... xD lol
If you're paying K2 money for anything and even suggesting a boycott, your actions are worthless. It's like talking about starting a meat boycott while cutting your freshly cooked steak.
Too much talk from these people that seem extremely fed up with K2, and not enough action.
I agree, everyone seems so fed up with K2...but all everyone does is complain about it <_<
what boycott?Originally posted by Technicolor
and how would this boycot effect k2?
this kid doesnt know that puttin on some sig isnt a boycott. -_-
a boycott is when you hurt a company by refusing to buy their products or services (like boycotting a bus companing by walking to work, not putting on some stupid bandana saying "i dont like buses" after you paid for bus fare).
besides the obvious fact that this is not even an official KO site, k2 wouldnt care even if you use that sig on their sites. As long as you're stupid enough to keep buying their premium and their PUS items, you can wear 5000 signatures as far as they are concerned.
If you care so much then organize some movement to stop buying premium, if you're successful THEN k2 may pay attention (or sell the game to someone else and make you their problem).
Originally posted by Dragonfire333
I agree, everyone seems so fed up with K2...but all everyone does is complain about it *<_<
They are ? I think ppl sending CS tickets everyday trying to fix it... Maybe u can go to there office and change something then ? Oh no wait, u havn't been hacked have you ?
+1Originally posted by W1Ld
copy sig, amount is simple
omfg, Tell me, do you want K2 to be destroyed? Seriously, i think some people are trying to get attention and think its cool saying Fuck k2 and shit.
that too, id rather have a bugged/troublesome KO than no KO (not to mention this sig idea is amazingly dull-witted)Originally posted by jap190
omfg, Tell me, do you want K2 to be destroyed? *Seriously, i think some people are trying to get attention and think its cool saying Fuck k2 and shit.