Guys i got to leave the game i got nothing else to play it for, considering i lost my best ingame friend the other night, anyway i got to say goodbye to all my niggas, especially ReKon, lVlAGE, Kyzzer, Cap_Own, GROBS, oSTUo, Warmen, DrDuran & Sander, MonnaLisa, Lankan, Everyone from SUN's vent, everyone from TheReapers, everyone in Ares, and everyone on the Forums.
Last but not least ima miss ya andrew even tho we got into an argument due to my stupidity, you was always there in game, we was like the best to people to ever play together :wub:
aight guys peace out ill miss ya all
GN im off to sleep
PS: i might play logos for a while h43r: , and if i forgot you im sorry