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chicken leeching experiences?

This is a discussion on chicken leeching experiences? within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; I was a chicken (ko beta) but only because Herb got all us n00bs (he musta been 45-50 i think) ...
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  1. #31
    Senior Member
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    I was a chicken (ko beta) but only because Herb got all us n00bs (he musta been 45-50 i think) together and showed us what to do. . .he also lvl'd us up a bit @ the gob pit.
    those chickens included:

    My warrior
    Creatz, Deathwish, WhiteCrow, Pvt.Snowball, jimbo(nsync ftw) (and a few others that ended up in Rogue Crackaz on diez)
    ah the good ol days. . (i miss u fukkers btw. . )

  2. #32
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    I was never chicken ! Friend told me the was other maps besides moradon after i was lvl 33 (Aoeing Giant bulcans -.-), I never knew about that chicken quest till i was lvl 50+

    I tought that moradon gates were some kind of altar for Ko gods. (DOnt laguh :unsure: )

    When i had my first Wizzard staff +6 i tough i was SOOOOOOO 1337. ( Before i saw Pfil glowing staff ¬¬)

    Since i went piana and saw for first time a caped man i started saving money to buy a cape for me (20m), Didnt knew that capes were only for knights after lvl 55+ or so.

    On my first aoe harpys ever when matacabros lured all the harpys spawn and towned i started cusing him on party chat lmao "WTF? ARE YOU FUCKING IDIOT? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU WHY YOU CALL ALL THOSE MONSTERS, FUCCKKKK RUUUUUNNN IM GONNA DIIIIIIEEEEE!"

    Talos, Hq, SQ were untuchables. Except when harpy spawned in aoe spots and 12978412412641284761321389713984 mages started Doting her. One day my party got the drop and it droped some unique earring and a feather of harpy queen. I was happy i got the feather and was laughin at the guy that just got a earring, (I didnt knew what "uniques" was.)

    First time i saw a sin tanking samma with just 1 priest (My clan always needed like 4 warriors, yeah we were noobies ) i was like "OMFG! GUUYYSS COME AND SEE THIS!! COMEEEE! THIS GUY MUST BE HAXING!! HE KILL IT SO FASTER"

    Theres was NO macros. Ks was baneable. There were only few turks. And the ones that were playing knew english so it was no problem.

  3. #33
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    macro do exist in those day ^^

    and ks ban FTW

    someone lured attila pass me and i ran my ass off T_T then i soloed hyde for a deep scar which was gone instantly for 1m in merchat :P

  4. #34
    Da Mod Father Senior Member Felix's Avatar
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    doc1 is the best I know, Chicken to lvl 69 and 70% still amazes me to this day !! <_<

  5. #35
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    i start in adonis till lvl 50 then PTP come and i change here there was already a lvl 50 i think! :P
    old old days

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    When i was so called "chicken" on cypher myko

    Channel 2 was god of ko. allwas looked upp on channel2. they are so 1337 ^_^ ethics best rogue in game babas ^_^
    When some1 in party did´have mana for sue skill, he shout MANA REST, and all sat down for mana rest :P
    any1 rember Rasinblood ? a.k.a .inn, he post ss of some1 lure on him when he used kohack and write .inn. <3 my old clan leader ^_^

  7. #37


    rofl when i made other chars and leeched at apos party when i were a chicken when i got to lvl 29 i hided behind the rocks so the leader wont ban me ;p

  8. #38


    Originally posted by Morghana
    I was never chicken... found out about the quest at lvl 32...

    me2 but i found it @ 41 B)

  9. #39
    Senior Member Shurt's Avatar
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    Originally posted by SoeTBobo
    When i was so called "chicken" on cypher myko

    Channel 2 was god of ko. allwas looked upp on channel2. they are so 1337 *^_^ ethics best rogue in game babas *^_^ *
    When some1 in party did´have mana for sue skill, he shout MANA REST, and all sat down for mana rest * *
    any1 rember Rasinblood ? a.k.a .inn, he post ss of some1 lure on him when he used kohack and write .inn. <3 my old clan leader *^_^
    ROFL i remember Rasinblood, i remember when he had full gob crimson armor (or maybe crimson +6)... i thought he was god.

  10. #40


    Originally posted by giga
    when i was a chicken, *
    -there was no such thing as a combo
    -411 was god of ko
    -blood had the only lvl 60s in the game
    -i thought if i saved up all my money from goblisn i could buy full shell
    -if there was a voke party in breth w/ a lvl 45(omg so l33t) u wanted to be in it, or in the ks party next to it
    -dying was just an easy way to get back to town
    -10mil coins was soooo rich
    -trinas 20mil
    -kek rings 9mil
    -in eslant partys, always remember to keep clear of the snake queens, talos, harpy queens, deruvish founders, etc
    -ks was bannable
    -wtf is "macro"?
    -no dildos
    -almost no raptors (i saw one on ebay for 200usd at +1)
    -i could use ice staff and voke the whole breth field(miss the old aggro the most of all)
    I played back then, i think it was about a year and half ago, on diez.

    -Chilling at the goblins, trying to earn another set of goblin pieces for ub3r dmg.
    -Chatting up clan members of "Blood" "Bl0od" and "Templars", anyone remember them, sirkaos i think the leaders name was, wat a ub3r god.
    -Seeing the first shell ever, i think it was a guy in a clan called "Lifestoned" with purple capes. (the clan leader, priest, had sexy)
    -Owning up the zombie spawn, (before ke) as mages
    -First aoe harpy, unfortunatly, i was an ice mage, and when the warrior towned, i did to. I wasnt invited into harpys much after that :'(
    -Loving the Elemental staff +5 poison dmg

  11. #41
    Senior Member PADDY's Avatar
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    sir kaos was the best warrior in the early days, better as an orc than human though then that whole nonsence occured with lady clare, ewwww.

    and that shelled godess was BlackHoleSun <3 :wub:

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Originally posted by Shurt+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Shurt)</div>
    when i was a chicken, *
    -there was no such thing as a combo
    -411 was god of ko
    -blood had the only lvl 60s in the game
    -i thought if i saved up all my money from goblisn i could buy full shell
    -if there was a voke party in breth w/ a lvl 45(omg so l33t) u wanted to be in it, or in the ks party next to it
    -dying was just an easy way to get back to town
    -10mil coins was soooo rich
    -trinas 20mil
    -kek rings 9mil
    -in eslant partys, always remember to keep clear of the snake queens, talos, harpy queens, deruvish founders, etc
    -ks was bannable
    -wtf is "macro"?
    -no dildos
    -almost no raptors (i saw one on ebay for 200usd at +1)
    -i could use ice staff and voke the whole breth field(miss the old aggro the most of all)
    Not entirely true, anybody remember Hunt_Humananimals?[/b]
    bah, god damn chinese bish's ruined ko with there gay kosp :"/

  13. #43


    when i was a chicken i dont give apos in old school piana.....i entered with lvl 30 or something like that first time piana and kill then DKs/gobs till lvl 40 hard time =)

  14. #44


    What about "tanking" atilla and couldn't beat its regen, couldn't even get is hp drop a single bit.... :lol:

    lvl til 40 in moradon zzzzz then some told me... go "Piana" (what the hell was that?!)

    10 mil was OMFG I'm filthy rich!!

    Aoeing in harpys with lvl 42 :lol: (Don't bring ravens pls... coz they're to strong!!!) When a voker lured ravens I remember party going all the way till the 1st pilar of apos aoeing them then ---- TOWN!!

    Remember when "VyperGirl"? reached 60.. it was like wow!!... Plýx don't use NOVA... Servers LAG Like HELL!!

    Remember when Glarfist was a noob...

    And chicken quest? what's that?

    Anyway... I'm still a nothing changed much for..

  15. #45
    Senior Member PADDY's Avatar
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    i remember i used to run exp spots then like i do now... i used to run from beasts where i would kill GeForce000 to harunga's where i could usually find ela_internetcafe

    after a couple of runs they didnt have np, and they would lose exp. GeForce then started getting his bro 411 to come protect him as he did beasts which is where i had most of my 1 v 1's with voodoo, always losing, until mee: (tasker at the time) taught me how to combo and i was one of the first diez humans to learn how to combo

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