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damm login server/crashes and stuff!

This is a discussion on damm login server/crashes and stuff! within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; well first i got kicked out of c1 then i get account is in use ....after 1hour i retry and ...
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  1. #1

    Default damm login server/crashes and stuff!

    well first i got kicked out of c1 then i get account is in use ....after 1hour i retry and get login server failed and more later i can login but i still have account in use... when can i play for the premium days i paid for... i have more dc's/ crashes / login server failures/ account in use and stuff then i have time too play xD!

  2. #2


    ur new to this game?

    /sarcasm off :wub:

  3. #3


    Originally posted by Technicolor
    ur new to this game? *

    /sarcasm off *:wub:
    rofl mr.mok!

    its just so annoying that you cant play when you have time and when they are back up i go do something else xD...


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