Not a flame, or spam topic. If ur interested read. If u dont, Be so kind to do not spam this topic.
Everything beguns like a week ago (At least for me). I got my char back with some items that friends help me get. First thing i did after login my char was join my best friend clan (LatinPower). Wer talking about cypher. One of the friends that were helping me with items was a turk. I was forced to share my acc with him due the fact i could NOT change my freaking email in ko website (He had scamed me earlier).
Ok now everything seems to be fine. I was playing with clan and all. Building my mage up and sending letters to CS to change my info. Them came the day. I woke up and saw my pw changed. Went to forgot password option and got it back. Log in and my items gone (At least the more importants), wierd thing is he only took the things i more needed. My completes and my 2 elixirs +8. They didnt even bother to see detailed my inn where i had Kekury Belt and Ammy of Magic power. They also took 1 billion money i had. I tought fuck it. The turk scamed his own items? (He gave me those).
So what ever. Fuck him and lets hope for a rollback. If not ill switch to my sin. Now comes the night. And a new day comes I went to a friend house. And when i get there i shock with the notice that KassT and ::BabyAlianny:: leader and assist of LatinPower got hacked. Out of nowhere bot accounts where naked (Except for alianny still had some chitins +7).
They didnt even bother to see other servers. One of the accounts had good uniques on ares and they didnt touch it. It was just a revenge. They disbaned clan. And fucked up 3 of the most important chars in the clan.
When the turk i had to share the acc forced went online i had a talk with him. What i got from him freaked me out. Apparently we (LatinPower clan) are turks haters. And we say Fuck allah and musulmans and bla bla! O.o Wierd. I never saw one menber saying it. But the turk show me a forum ( where our names were listed to get apparently because we hate turks. Because we are latinos...
This is really fucking bullshit... We do play this game, Work hard for items, Seek bosses 24/7, Pk to get nps. And all our hard effor is gone in a second just because some turks think that becayse we are latinos we hate turks and we deserve get banned.
How come when turks starts with their : "Fuck ur mom, ur dad, ur sister, ur cat, ur dog, ur car, ur house, ur grand ma, etc..." We have to tolerate it? But they hack us for something WE DIDNT EVEN DID?
I really hope K2 can restore our chars. And change our info. If it is posible even change our login id. If not we will tell all clan to go find a new game. Dosnt worth the effort made to lose it all in a blink for some furius turks.
I personally didnt hated turks, Even after they ksed me, tp me to golems, Make me dlvlel, cheat to get nps. That shit didnt even bother me, Even after being hacked first time by a turk i still was "ok" with turks. Every1 is codicius and our minds betray us. But A WHOLE CLAN GETTING HACKED FOR SOME RACIST COMMENTS THAT WE DIDNT EVEN SAID? That hit the limit. I dont wanna ever again meet a turk. Even if hes the nicest turk on the world, my mind cant just tolerate it anymore.