Hi all,

I am an ex-diez player. Names back in the day were: ItsAllStrength, WickedRanged, ASpermCell, Deanh8, B3lial.. Most of my time played was in Gyverforce and a clan that I cant recall the name of but remember names like Snipes, Felix, XxAlexanderXx, Callum, BeatySwollocks, Surreal, among many others. I created a warrior on Hells (Currently LVL 40), and have a few questions. First are there any Human clans that would take me in? Also I was wondering what is the best stuff to farm currently to get some base gear? Last time I really played was probably 2008. Also, what in the hell is this receiving EXP while sitting? and does Premium effect how much you receive? Thank you all.