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This is a discussion on Translation within the General Chat forums, part of the Knight Online ( category; Well, since I am in moradon selling alot, I get alot of pm's in turkish, any1 translate the following turkish ...
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  1. #1


    Well, since I am in moradon selling alot, I get alot of pm's in turkish, any1 translate the following turkish words pls :lol:


    ty :lol:

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Sie - no
    Yoq - no
    Kaca - what/how (they use it a lot in "kac ywy?")
    satan - buy or sell
    lazımmı - got (not sure)
    a.q - I love you

  3. #3


    impossible that a.q I love you means, when I say that I hate them they say a.q so :P

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    satylyr - FFFFFFF UUUUUU !!!
    aq - FFFFFFFF UUUUUUUUU AGAIN!! =) ps. go to hell

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2006


    sie = go away , but more likely in a insult (gfo ^^)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Ft. Gordon GA.


    sie is not "no"
    its like "go away or fuck off" - just like flippy said..
    sad1st i feel sorry for you man

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2006


    I always thought sie means no o_o

  8. #8


    I always thought sie means no o_o[/b]
    Sie Sie

  9. #9


    satılır - selling/sell
    alanınır - buying/buy61

  10. #10
    Senior Member Pajatso's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    btw is it yer warmy, yer war mi or yer war my ? Or something else ? ( if u know ehn to use ı pls tell it :P )

  11. #11
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2007
    United Kingdom


    Normal convo:
    s.a - hi
    a.s - answer on hi
    slm - hi
    evet - yes
    hayyr - no
    sende - you too
    bende - me too
    baba - daddy
    aga - master / friend
    kardes - bro or sis. (kiz kardes = sister. erkek kardes = bro)
    iyi - nice
    walla - really?
    üzgünüm - I am sorry
    can you pick up the boxes - <name>, kutulari toplarmisin lutfen
    yok - dont have ... or not (chitin shell +8 yok)
    warmı - do u have for me
    yer - room
    Merhaba, Selam, S.A - Hi
    Naber? - What&#39;s up?
    Nasilsin? - How are you?
    Iyiyim, saol - I&#39;m fine. Thank you.
    Saol, Sagol, Tesekkurler - Thanks, Thank you...
    I am english - Ben ingilizim
    anani sikiyim - fuk ur mother
    sikerim - fukc you
    a.q - fukc your vagina.
    o.c - son of a b**** (orospu cocugu)
    Lutfen - Please
    almak - buy
    satan - sell
    gitmek - go
    e gitmek -go to
    pantalon - pads
    KS yapma - No ks
    Baris - Peace
    Partide yer var mi;? - Is there any room in the party?
    kolluk - gaunlet
    kafalik - helmet
    takas - trade
    kagit - scroll ( for ex : 35 kagidi - scroll lvl 35 skill)
    Satilik - For sale
    Yuzuk - Ring
    Ucuz - Cheap
    gel - come
    Abi - same as aga (fren, bro, mate, pal etc.)
    Sizi görebilirmiyim - Can i see you
    Sizi görmek istiyorum - I want to see you
    Ordamisin - Are you there
    Okula gidiyormusun - Are you going to school
    anlamiyorum - i don&#39;t understand
    welcome = hosgeldin
    your welcome (or no problem) = "bir sey degil" or "onemli degil"
    i&#39;m going bed = yatmaya gidiyorum.
    boring = sikici (sorry about the turkish character but if you write this with "i"&#39;s it will mean somthing compeletely different. sikici = fucker. So be careful using that word. )
    stop! - Durun!
    i must repair - repair yapmaliyim.
    i&#39;m leaving in ## minutes - ## dakika icinde cikacagim.
    party is full - parti dolu
    i can&#39;t buff you - sana buff atamiyorum.
    i can&#39;t party you because of a level difference - level farki var
    Onu istiyorum - I want it
    i&#39;ll be right back - hemen donucem
    clear buffs - bufflari temizleyin.
    go go! - Hadi saldirin!
    Turkish(Türkçe) - English (ingilizce)
    Sen - You
    Ben - I
    O - it (she or he)
    Kiz - She
    Erkek - He
    Biz - We
    Onlar - They
    Ne düsünüyorsun - What do you think ?
    O nerede ? - Where is it ?
    Gidiyormusun - Are you going?
    ihtiyacim var - I need
    Uyumaya gidiyorum - I&#39;m going sleeping
    Uyandim - I woke up
    Günaydin - Good morning
    Iyi geceler - Good night
    Kahvalti hazir - The breakfast ready
    Simdi - Now
    Sonra - Later
    Yarin - Tomorrow
    Bugün - Today
    Hafta - Week
    Ay - Month
    Saat - Hour
    Saniye - Second
    Dakika - Minute
    Saat kaç ? - What time is it ?
    Saat 12 - It&#39;s 12 o&#39;clock
    Son - End
    Parti - Party
    Pls - Please - Lütfen
    Parti Lütfen
    Seni seviyorum - I love you
    Nerelisin? - Where are you from ?
    Yasin Kaç? - How old are you?
    Nasilsin? - How are you ?
    iyiyim - i&#39;m fine
    ve - and
    Sonra görüsürüz - See you later
    Tesekkür ederim - Thank you
    Çok tesekkür ederim - Thank you very much
    Bana verebilirmisin - Can you give me
    Satin Almak istiyorum - I want to buy
    Satmak istiyorum - I want to sell
    Kaç para - How much money
    Ben gidiyorum - I&#39;m going
    Ben gidmeliyim - I must go
    Nereye gidiyorsun - Where are you going ?
    Ne yapiyorsun - What are you doing ?
    Ben sehire gidiyorum - I go to town
    Yardim - Help
    Bana yardim edermisin - Help me
    Bana yardim edebilirmisiniz - Can u help me ?
    Ben size yardim edebilirim - Can i help you.
    Ne istiyorsun ? - What do you want ?
    Ben takdir ederim - i appreciate
    birazdan gelcem yemek yiyorum - brb .. eat
    Nerede yasiyorsun ? - Where are you living

    swears and such :
    got deligi - asshole
    siktir git - fuck off
    ibne - gay
    Sus - Shut up
    Ks yapma - dont ks
    Seni sevmiyorum - I&#39;m not loving you

    teach turk you dont speak turk
    Cok az turkce biliyorum - only know a little turkish
    Turkce ögrenmeye calisiyoru - i am trying to learn some turkish
    Türkçe bilmiyorum - I don&#39;t know turkish
    anlamiyorum - i don&#39;t understand
    Türkiye - Turkey
    - America
    Kanada - Canada
    Meksika - Mexica
    Ingiltere - England
    Japonya - Japan
    Fransa - France
    Hollanda - Holland (Nederland)
    Almanya - Germany
    Israil - Israel
    Çin - China

    misc shit :
    using scroll? - scroll&#39;mu kullaniyorsun. ?
    Nerde çalisiyorsun - Where are you working
    Benimle evlenirmisin - Do you get married with me
    igrenç - disgusting
    saçmalik - nonsense
    Seni özledim - I missed you
    Beni özlüyormusun - Are you missing me ?
    Ben bakireyim - I&#39;m virgin
    Sen bakiremisin - Are you virgin ?
    Ahlaksiz - Immoral
    Kiz arkadasim yok - I don&#39;t have girlfriend
    Erkek arkadasim yok - I don&#39;t have boyfriend
    Kiz arkadasim var - I have girlfriend
    Erkek arkadasim var - I have boyfriend
    Öpüsmek istiyorum - I want to kiss
    Benimle yatarmisin - Do you go to bed with me ?
    Bir - One
    Iki - Two
    Üç - three
    Dört - Four
    Bes - Five
    Alti - Six
    Yedi - Seven
    Sekiz - Eight
    Dokuz - Nine
    On - Ten
    Onbir - Eleven
    Oniki - Twelve
    Stop attacking npc = dalmayin lan npclere banlarim hepinizi

    Not really what you wanted but this comes in handy to me alot, <3 BadCompany forums for this.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Seby666's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Ben bakireyim - I&#39;m virgin
    Sen bakiremisin - Are you virgin ?

    what would u need those for ? asdasdasdassdasdas XD

  13. #13


    Normal convo:
    s.a - hi
    a.s - answer on hi
    slm - hi
    evet - yes
    hayyr - no
    sende - you too
    bende - me too
    baba - daddy
    aga - master / friend
    kardes - bro or sis. (kiz kardes = sister. erkek kardes = bro)
    iyi - nice
    walla - really?
    üzgünüm - I am sorry
    can you pick up the boxes - <name>, kutulari toplarmisin lutfen
    yok - dont have ... or not (chitin shell +8 yok)
    warmı - do u have for me
    yer - room
    Merhaba, Selam, S.A - Hi
    Naber? - What&#39;s up?
    Nasilsin? - How are you?
    Iyiyim, saol - I&#39;m fine. Thank you.
    Saol, Sagol, Tesekkurler - Thanks, Thank you...
    I am english - Ben ingilizim
    anani sikiyim - fuk ur mother
    sikerim - fukc you
    a.q - fukc your vagina.
    o.c - son of a b**** (orospu cocugu)
    Lutfen - Please
    almak - buy
    satan - sell
    gitmek - go
    e gitmek -go to
    pantalon - pads
    KS yapma - No ks
    Baris - Peace
    Partide yer var mi;? - Is there any room in the party?
    kolluk - gaunlet
    kafalik - helmet
    takas - trade
    kagit - scroll ( for ex : 35 kagidi - scroll lvl 35 skill)
    Satilik - For sale
    Yuzuk - Ring
    Ucuz - Cheap
    gel - come
    Abi - same as aga (fren, bro, mate, pal etc.)
    Sizi görebilirmiyim - Can i see you
    Sizi görmek istiyorum - I want to see you
    Ordamisin - Are you there
    Okula gidiyormusun - Are you going to school
    anlamiyorum - i don&#39;t understand
    welcome = hosgeldin
    your welcome (or no problem) = "bir sey degil" or "onemli degil"
    i&#39;m going bed = yatmaya gidiyorum.
    boring = sikici (sorry about the turkish character but if you write this with "i"&#39;s it will mean somthing compeletely different. sikici = fucker. So be careful using that word. )
    stop! - Durun!
    i must repair - repair yapmaliyim.
    i&#39;m leaving in ## minutes - ## dakika icinde cikacagim.
    party is full - parti dolu
    i can&#39;t buff you - sana buff atamiyorum.
    i can&#39;t party you because of a level difference - level farki var
    Onu istiyorum - I want it
    i&#39;ll be right back - hemen donucem
    clear buffs - bufflari temizleyin.
    go go! - Hadi saldirin!
    Turkish(Türkçe) - English (ingilizce)
    Sen - You
    Ben - I
    O - it (she or he)
    Kiz - She
    Erkek - He
    Biz - We
    Onlar - They
    Ne düsünüyorsun - What do you think ?
    O nerede ? - Where is it ?
    Gidiyormusun - Are you going?
    ihtiyacim var - I need
    Uyumaya gidiyorum - I&#39;m going sleeping
    Uyandim - I woke up
    Günaydin - Good morning
    Iyi geceler - Good night
    Kahvalti hazir - The breakfast ready
    Simdi - Now
    Sonra - Later
    Yarin - Tomorrow
    Bugün - Today
    Hafta - Week
    Ay - Month
    Saat - Hour
    Saniye - Second
    Dakika - Minute
    Saat kaç ? - What time is it ?
    Saat 12 - It&#39;s 12 o&#39;clock
    Son - End
    Parti - Party
    Pls - Please - Lütfen
    Parti Lütfen
    Seni seviyorum - I love you
    Nerelisin? - Where are you from ?
    Yasin Kaç? - How old are you?
    Nasilsin? - How are you ?
    iyiyim - i&#39;m fine
    ve - and
    Sonra görüsürüz - See you later
    Tesekkür ederim - Thank you
    Çok tesekkür ederim - Thank you very much
    Bana verebilirmisin - Can you give me
    Satin Almak istiyorum - I want to buy
    Satmak istiyorum - I want to sell
    Kaç para - How much money
    Ben gidiyorum - I&#39;m going
    Ben gidmeliyim - I must go
    Nereye gidiyorsun - Where are you going ?
    Ne yapiyorsun - What are you doing ?
    Ben sehire gidiyorum - I go to town
    Yardim - Help
    Bana yardim edermisin - Help me
    Bana yardim edebilirmisiniz - Can u help me ?
    Ben size yardim edebilirim - Can i help you.
    Ne istiyorsun ? - What do you want ?
    Ben takdir ederim - i appreciate
    birazdan gelcem yemek yiyorum - brb .. eat
    Nerede yasiyorsun ? - Where are you living

    swears and such :
    got deligi - asshole
    siktir git - fuck off
    ibne - gay
    Sus - Shut up
    Ks yapma - dont ks
    Seni sevmiyorum - I&#39;m not loving you

    teach turk you dont speak turk
    Cok az turkce biliyorum - only know a little turkish
    Turkce ögrenmeye calisiyoru - i am trying to learn some turkish
    Türkçe bilmiyorum - I don&#39;t know turkish
    anlamiyorum - i don&#39;t understand
    Türkiye - Turkey
    - America
    Kanada - Canada
    Meksika - Mexica
    Ingiltere - England
    Japonya - Japan
    Fransa - France
    Hollanda - Holland (Nederland)
    Almanya - Germany
    Israil - Israel
    Çin - China

    misc shit :
    using scroll? - scroll&#39;mu kullaniyorsun. ?
    Nerde çalisiyorsun - Where are you working
    Benimle evlenirmisin - Do you get married with me
    igrenç - disgusting
    saçmalik - nonsense
    Seni özledim - I missed you
    Beni özlüyormusun - Are you missing me ?
    Ben bakireyim - I&#39;m virgin
    Sen bakiremisin - Are you virgin ?
    Ahlaksiz - Immoral
    Kiz arkadasim yok - I don&#39;t have girlfriend
    Erkek arkadasim yok - I don&#39;t have boyfriend
    Kiz arkadasim var - I have girlfriend
    Erkek arkadasim var - I have boyfriend
    Öpüsmek istiyorum - I want to kiss
    Benimle yatarmisin - Do you go to bed with me ?
    Bir - One
    Iki - Two
    Üç - three
    Dört - Four
    Bes - Five
    Alti - Six
    Yedi - Seven
    Sekiz - Eight
    Dokuz - Nine
    On - Ten
    Onbir - Eleven
    Oniki - Twelve
    Stop attacking npc = dalmayin lan npclere banlarim hepinizi
    Not really what you wanted but this comes in handy to me alot, <3 BadCompany forums for this.[/b]
    Very usefull,but it would be really nice if they learned our language [English] instead of us trying to learn it and talk to them in turk :P Hehehehe

  14. #14
    Senior Member OmgThisIsMe's Avatar
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    Outside in the world


    fuck this shit why should we learn Turkish language they should speak english its fucking USKO not a stupid TRKO


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