Well now is your time to quit.
Nothing to Do.
Try To PK- Koxped.
Enter CZ just for one moment, they get u in town now
Enter Moradon instanstly dead.
Dont even login unitl game is patched really.
oh and btw anyone who is actually paying premium for this is a fucking retard yes- 100 % retard.
And dont try to justify ur reason for having premium
So mathematic Forumla
Premium= Retard (100% Right And Verified) No exceptions its a FACT.
Like IF U Jump out the window from the 50 th floor you will die. its a validity is of the same level as buying premium= retard.
anyone who supports k2, must have their head examined.
i didnt think ppl would pay to have their gameplay runied. but i was wrong.
So anyone who is premium come out, and expose your stupidity.