Well ive been keen to sell my ROL and get some igc or rl money and gear myself up, this guy offerd 125$usd for it so i thought ya thats good ill take it.
i give him my paypal acc and he puts the money in there.
i send the money from paypal to my bank acc witch takes bout 1-2 days.
i told him to b patiant and wait.
he threatend with lawers and charge back and all that shit.
i was not gonna give him rol till i saw money in my acc 1st.
2days goes past and i go to bank today and c no money still...
i ask him on msn if he charge back..
he says he did coz he was scared i was gonna scam him
than he said that i have the money
than last but not least he says his friend charge back..
obviously this guy is scammer, for 1 he payed 125$ when there worth bout 110 max mayb bit more, and he was so keen for me to give it to him asap..after he said he was gonna charge back when he threatend i knew he was gonna do a shifty on me..thats y i waited..
then he trys to convince me he can stop a charge back if i give him the rol..
-->BeN<-- says:
so u charge back i c
Phosgene - S>Elixir +8 , Elf Belt says:
what the hell u want me to do ?
Phosgene - S>Elixir +8 , Elf Belt says:
i sent u a msg yesterday
Phosgene - S>Elixir +8 , Elf Belt says:
u dont answer
Phosgene - S>Elixir +8 , Elf Belt says:
what the hell u want me to think ?