why you people only look at the % dmg? Helis isnt about the %, it's how it ignores defences. Unduffed with the same ap I am pretty sure a lvl 72 bp will hit the same target (1200ac or above?) close to the same damage. Tormented is another story.Originally posted by ziggy
well helis is not such good skill compared to howling sword coz % dmg give u almost all dmg on enemy additional dmg are shity in pvp.With howling sword worrior would give more dmg than bp with helisa.Booth same ap of course
.BP is not so good becouse that skill but becouse full str in stats and 50% wolf .As some bp (with uber items but anyway )post ss of his stats on forum 255str(+151) and with mirage sword +8 he has 2800+ ap.