Remember i traded my lvl 65 sin "S1lentArrow" For "pOoOoL"? (just lvl 64)
Well ok we traded both naked and we agreed that he had to pay me 105$ more,in items or usd or igc. I didnt care.
Before the trade he promised me he would pay the 105$... He would maybe gimme a roc...
I said ok , deal
THEN i got his login/pass etc.. And i guessed the SQ by myself,since he didnt knew it.. had the char for myself..
I could scam HIM....But i didnt (wish i did now)
So 2-3 days ago i said on msn,U still didnt pay etc etc.
He said dont whine and blocked me.
Today i saw him ingame and he was NOT on msn ( So he blocked me)
And his clannie said: Yes,he's in game AND on msn.
I talked to him ingame,i got ignored and he didnt ignore his clannies.
Shortly,scammed for 105$
Ty [email protected] And Knight_Arthur on forums...
@@@.. My opinion: This is probably what i earn for ever scamming 2 people.