lol sounds almost like RS...
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lol sounds almost like RS...
K, i can keep the money from the players and the best. I just want 10% of all... :wub:
As a priest i can heal the money...
yes :P and liion xp's losers!!!!Originally posted by Cadence96+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cadence96)</div><!--QuoteBegin-AuriaYesss!!!!.... the losers must be eaten by lionsssssss[/b]Comments on the idea?
yah pooned i knew we had it in myko u little ideas stealer
i was always wondering why they took it off and put the crappy bugged battlefield instead ;x
this idé was screwed before it began ^^
it will be so bugged that u place bet and never get it back
or u place bet and get 100x back or something wacko
or u cant leave the arena
a real toughie to get past the ppl who will abuse it . for every good idea there is ppl who will loophole it
didnt real it all but i dont wanna be a flamer too but...
lets see imagine a party of 8 lvl 72 goes in arena against lvls 60-70 then again everyone would bet on the lvls 72 and if those 2 partys made a deal and let the lvl 72s loose so everyone gets fcked up just to make you guys waste your money... you can already smell scams way before it already started :wub:
That's such a copy paste from L2.